If conditions allow we will have fire barrels to warm your tush in the evenings.
It is very simple and very straightforward, and we cannot make this any clearer for you whatsoever.
Remember, it is the start of summer, the fire danger is ever present, and ‘Bilyana’ is nestled smack bang in the middle of the Chiltern Mt. Pilot National Park, and as such all National Park Conditions apply to the area. Check out the National Park website for any further info if you are unclear or unsure.
In the event of a fire, Emergency Evacuation Procedures will be deployed, and you will be required to follow the instructions of the Emergency Management Control Team.
Whist we have had a few wet years , the bush is still SUPER VULNERABLE!
Rural City of Wangaratta has endorsed our emergency management document. We have run gigs here for 25 years and we believe we have a very safe venue as well as well rehearsed procedures to deal with any event. Make sure you check in for all weather conditions closer to the event. We will post links in the news section.
It can get really cold at night so make sure you bring cold weather gear with you. If the condions allow we will have some designated fires in barrels with water access nearby.
Fire twirling might be allowed if done with appropriate care in set areas. This may change and we ask for your compliance if we ask for fire twirling to cease…